Contentment in Motherhood

I have joined a Wednesday night Bible study group for women at the church that we have been attending for a year. I do not know anyone in this group well, and it is completely out of my comfort zone. We are reading Walking With God in the Season of Motherhood by Melissa B. Kruger. Thankfully, there are several other single moms in the class, so I do not feel like I am the only one on this solitary trek.

Last night, the kids were at their dad’s and not here chomping at the bits to go to the Wednesday night children’s program that they love. I was relaxed and had to make myself get off the porch swing for Bible study, but I am glad I did. God laid a special message on my heart.

My plate is full. Single parenting is hard, and the truth is I often find myself impatient, overwhelmed, and discontent.

However, I was gently reminded that what I often perceive as “Have Tos”– dentist and doctors appointments, hair cuts, errands, laundry, play time, birthday parties, extra-curricular activities, school engagements, reading, discipline, homework….the list goes on and on — should be turned into “Get Tos.” Children are a blessing. Not everyone gets to be a parent, as my friend Jack lovingly reminded me this week, and they grow up so very fast.


Photo by Captured by Casey

Today, I got to volunteer in Miss Julia’s class and watch her practice ballet; this weekend I get to fold their tiny clothes and smell their hair as they snuggle next to me in bed; if I’m lucky, I may get to play catch with Mason in the yard; and, on Sunday, I get to worship Jesus with them at church. One day, I will miss cleaning up after them, and I will miss holding them in my lap. Mason’s already almost as tall as me.

So my prayer tonight is this: Lord, “Let me live that I may praise you (in this season of Motherhood), and may your laws sustain me.” Psalms 119:175



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