Twenty-One Days of Gratitude {Day 7}

About two weeks ago, we lost our beloved Molly (aka Molly the Buzzard and Molly Wuzzy because of her ability to eat massive amounts of food found any and everywhere) on the day of my Uncle’s funeral. She was 17 and I had gotten her as an 8-week-old puppy. She raised my babies and slept snuggled up next to me every night! She was staying with my stepdad and his wife while I was traveling, and was mourned and buried beside her beloved Jackson-Dogg and Mr. Boots, family pets who have crossed the rainbow bridge before her, beside a rose bush and under a bird house. I like to think that she passed while I was away so that I would not have to see it; it was fast. She did not suffer, praise Jesus! Our hearts still hurt for her, and I miss waking up to her every day, “kissing the belly” and feeding her endless string cheese sticks. Losing her truly has been like losing a human family member.

This was the last picture I took of her, the day before she died, just before leaving to take her to my stepdad’s so that I could travel home for the funeral.

We still have Miss Sadie Mae. She is as old as Molly. We got her when she was about a year old from the pound. She was supposed to be our outdoor snake-killing cat. Instead, she has ruled our home from both inside and out, fiercely fighting mocking birds along the way. She has a nice chip out of her ear to prove her valor on the battlefield. She is sweet and gentle and a bit needy– just like any Southern Belle ought to be, of course. These days, she enjoys lounging on my porch swing, not being bothered by much at all, as long as she has soft food to eat on her aching old gums.


Oliver Jag came from the pound three years ago when my precious Jackson Dogg passed away. He is the sweetest cat I have ever met. He is a hunter but he has a heart of gold. He loved to snuggle with Molly in her bed, and he likes to wake the whole house up every morning. We call him “Kitty Alarm Clock.”  He loves Miss Sadie Mae and wants to be close friends with her. Instead, he has to settle for being tormented by our new puppy, Miss Scarlett.

Miss Scarlett, nee Sookie, is our newest addition. She just turned two. We got her for Mason’s birthday from a friend of a friend, because I knew our time with Molly was limited. I am so glad we did. She is a pure joY and a ball of energy. She is sassy, smart, and fast as a whip. I forgot how much fun– and work– a puppy can be, though. It is like having a baby in the house all over again. Every one of my flip-flops are now gone. It’s so worth it, because her love is so overflowing and unconditional. She is keep us busy and young.