Twenty-One Days of Gratitude {Day 1}

Over the past two months, I have been hit with a barrage of negativity in my life. I am currently healing from the slow death of a long-term relationship, the death of a close relative, and the death of my 17-year-old dog, Molly.  I am struggling. I would normally describe myself as resilient; however, I am really having a hard time getting my head clear and back in the game.

Image result for gratitude

Enter faith, mindfulness, and the power of gratitude and prayer. God led me to these tools for a reason. It is time to put them to practice.

Today, I am grateful for:

  1. My Children. M & J are the lights of my life. Being a single mom is hard, but I balance that with a demanding professional schedule. You know what, though? At least I have a job. I have a great job. I have advanced education and a supportive ex-husband. I also have two beautiful, healthy kids who are extremely bright, talented, funny, kind, empathetic, compassionate, and full of Jesus’ love and Holy Spirit. I can do this thing called life with them, even on the days when J wakes up cranky, makes me late for work following her tantrums, and I have to be 50 places at once.
  2. My House. I live at a place I call Grace Land. It was a gift to me after my divorce. I am only renting but it feels like my forever home. It is peaceful there, a refuge from chaos and stress. A few minutes on my porch swing with a glass of wine or a Mason jar of sweet tea, and my soul is quickly refreshed.
  3. DJ. I have met the most amazing man almost by accident. In December, I did a vision board for my “Year of Love.” I prayed over it and have it posted on my office wall for daily reflection. Of course, when I made it, my life was in a completely different direction than it is now. However, this man is everything that I prayed about– he is Southern, conservative, a Christian, from a similar family background, a great dad, he is calm and kind, and he is physically the man of my dreams. The best part is that he prays for me and for us. As my Uncle lay dying in his hospital room recently, this man drove 3.5 hours after work, met my family for the first time during a very difficult situation, and he slept in hospital chairs with me. He held me as I held my Uncle when he passed.  Then he took me home, fed me, and made me sleep. His strength has been my greatest gift.

vision board

 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”  (Jeremiah 29:11)

“I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.

And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.” (Habakkuk 2:1-2)
